UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 - Three new cards
Netherlands, Spain
562 cards + 24 LEs
Wila75 has provided these scans - Goal! magazine in the Netherlands includes a sheet of 6 Champions League Match Attax cards with three of the players not featured in the collection until now. The three new cards are all unnumbered. The same sheet has also been issued in Spain, but I don't have any further details.
The original checklist can be found here - Topps - UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 (08) - Checklist.
UEFA Champions League Match Attax 2015/16 - UCL16_QUAD-NLD1
NNO. Thomas Matton (KAA Gent)
57. Maxwell (Paris Saint-Germain)
NNO. Javi Martinez (FC Bayern München)
460. Paul Pogba (Juventus)
268. Artem Dzyuba (Zenit St. Petersburg)
NNO. Joel Campbell (Arsenal)