Album IV - Nature Sport
Lindt & Sprüngli
3000+ cards (12 football)
Paul Bowditch has provided scans of these cards and some can be found on eBay - emilyclare_123. The fourth card is actually taken from a black and white card issued by Greiling Zigarettfabricken and shows a scene from an Arsenal v Newcastle United game, though you wouldn't realize that from the colours used by the artist to turn the b&w image into a colour one.
I'm not sure of the correct title for this set of cards as the backs are blank and I haven't located any image of the album page but they do come from the fourth album. The collection is huge with over 3,000 cards issued over many years, from the late 1920's through to 1940, and covering a wide range of subjects in small sets of 12 cards. At least 11 different albums were produced to collect them in.
1057. Das heissy ein Griff - Bonne prise
1058. Stoppen mit der Ferse Taionner au bon moment
1059. Auffangen des Balls mit der Brust Ballon retenu par la poitrine
1060. Der Verteidiger klärt die Lage Un beau shoot!
1061. Vorbildlich geführter Ball - L'adversaire â sea trousses
1062. Freistoss im Strafraum - Devant le goal
1063. Hände weg - Otez les mains
1064. Mit dem eigenen Leib gedeckt - Moment angoissant
1065. Im Luftsprung erfasst - Ballon happé en plein vot
1066. Ein musterhafter Kopfstoss - Coup de tête décisif
1067. Gerade noch! - Patatras!
1068. Auffangen des Balls mit dem Schenkel Arrêt net par la cuisse